Give School Teachers Guns
23rd August 2013
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I've just been reading about a very brave bookkeeper in a school in Georgia talking down a killer!

The NRA solution is to arm the teachers. So when the next crazy enters a school with a gun, there will sure be a shot-out!

Will this save the kids? Not in the interests of the NRA! The more crazies that try this the better as far as they are concerned. It sells more guns, and after all that is their only interest! Oh sorry, besides ensuring that everyone's right to carry guns is preserved. All to protect yourself of course!

"Guns don't kill people, people do!" is their standard. Oh, yeah, but they can do it so much more effectively with semi-automatic weapons! 

I lived in Canada for a few years, and I remember an irate employee in Kitchener, Ontario re-visiting his workplace and killing quite a few of his ex-workmates and bosses. So, NRA, should workplaces be armed? Yes? 

What about churches? Buses? football games? Where does it stop?

I guess you can figure out my position on this, but if the NRA get their way, the wild west is due for a return! All good for business of course!

For Georgia story: Click here

Author: Matt Connaire

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