One in Three Recycling companies projected to Fail
24th July 2013
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Everyone think Recycling saves money!

In fact, customers will not change to a recycling service unless they are offered a reduction in costs! Recycling causes inconvenience for businesses, more work as well as extra space for bins. The environmental benefits don't mean much for a business trying to survive in this financial climate.

The truth is that the investment in specialised colection and sorting equipment as well as the costs to man and run this equipment often means that Recycling companies struggle to cover costs. 

Then the quality of collected material is a real problem. If landfill disposal is at £90 per tonne, and recycling is at £50 per tonne, then every tonne moved from the disposal bin to the recycling bin saves a business £40. Individual Businesses push this to the limit resulting in low quality recycling material and higher costs to sort out the contamination. 

I suggest that every business owner should visit their recycling company to see exactly what goes on there and how they could help. The condition that recycling workers have to live with are incredibly low. The recent heat wave  made recycling plants impossibly difficult to work in. 30º C in the open coud translate to 40ºC + in a recycling shed, with humidity and smells making the work environment very difficult. Many companies invest in Air Conditioning, at huge cost; most don't.

The conclusion is that recycling does not come cheap!

Author: Matt Connaire

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