BNI Networking event for local businesses
11th November 2009
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If you run a small business and are interested in meeting other businesses in the area then you need to attend.

BNI, the Business Networking International are holding a networking open day on the 19th November at the Deganwy Quay Hotel in Llandudno. To make sure this meeting doesn’t affect your day to day work, the meeting is scheduled to start at  7:00am.

They are expecting over 30 local businesses to attend and there will be plenty of time to network with visitors and members alike.

The Quay Chapter of BNI meet every Thursday morning at the Quay Hotel and pass over 100 business referrals to each other every month.

If you would like to attend or require any further information, please let  us know and we will put you in touch with the friendly people at BNI directly.

The Best of Llandudno Team

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