Lose Weight and Get Fit in Lowestoft
3rd January 2013
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Weight Loss

If your will power is beginning to flag after only the second day of your diet you might be looking for a little extra support: Hypnotherapy Lynn Willert Hypnotherapy, Lowestoft, has developed a revolutionary weight loss system without the need for dieting or invasive surgical procedures. Lynn's 'Band For Health' is a real alternative and a guaranteed method for significant and lasting weight loss. With only four sessions she can help you visualise a surgical procedure and its impacts. Through suggestion and visualisation alone we can reprogram your mind to believe that your stomach is smaller and therefore fuller. This natural restriction on your calorie intake is a long-term solution to your weight problems. The process uses hypnotherapy NLP and cognitive behavioural techniques to help you achieve your ideal weight and stay there! Put all fad diets and thoughts of surgery behind you! Contact Lynn Willert Hypnotherapy now to find out more or arrange an appointment.


Healthy diets should always be balanced with excercise to have the maximum effect. Start with a phone call to your local gym to find our what facilities they have to offer. The friendly team at Nirvana Fitness, Lowestoft will happily take you on a tour around their premises so that you can see what's on offer. And, it doesn't have to be a rigorous workout.... Nirvana have a fantastic swimming pool and schedule some gentle Pilates and Yoga classes into their weekly timetable.

Health Food Supplements

Whether it's weight loss your after or simply a feeling of well being, take a closer look at the Aloe Vera plant. Now, you could be forgiven for thinking that this is just a natural ingredient used in skin care products (as I did) but there is so much more behind this humble cactus. Aloe Vera has been used successfully to cure or stabilise a huge variety of medical complaints and can also be taken to aid weight loss. Check out Forever Living, Lowestoft and call your local distributor, Denise Bretton to arrange a FREE consultation.

Stop Smoking!

This is undoubtedly one of the toughest habits to kick! The first port of call should be your GP who will advise you where to find the nearest support clinics for help and advice. However, if you've already gone down this route and failed miserably, it may be time for a different line of action: Lowestoft's hypnotherapist, Lynn Willert believes that fundamentally changing your attitude towards smoking is the only sustainable, guaranteed method of quitting. Most importantly, it delivers immediate results. One consultation is all that you need. And if the cravings return, Lynn will provide treatment free of charge until you are completely smoke free. No other course of treatment can offer such a confident prognosis! So what are you waiting for? Call today for more information!

Good luck from thebestof Lowestoft team with whatever personal targets you have for 2013.... we have a few of our own too!

About the Author

Wendy Takman and I

Member since: 10th July 2012

Co-owner of thebestof Lowestoft

Really enjoy the challenges that this brings!

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