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Only the wealthiest of the next generation of property purchasers will be able to buy a home if current trends continue, the National Housing Federation (NHF) has warned in a new report.
No one expects the early death of their spouse, whether through illness or accident, and they are not necessarily prepared for or able to cover the cost of a funeral
A SON of a war veteran who posted a photo and marked a poem penned in Cornwall to commemorate Remembrance Day and his late father has seen the image go viral.
Ludlow is close to Wales and also very close to the county border between Shropshire and Herefordshire and was included in the Doomsday Book. This strategic location invested it with importance in medieval times and its large castle remains largely intact
Monet in the Classroom
Monet in the Classroom
Youngsters at a school in Craven Arms get the opportunity to have a Claude Monet in their classroom
With summer having well and truly arrived it''s an ideal time to get out the caravan or camping gear but please be aware of the regulations surrounding the towing of trailers
A local HR consultancy and member of The Best of Ludlow and SW Shropshire has become a finalist in the highly prestigious national 2013 CIPD awards for their work with London based The Rialto Consultancy
The Ludlow Food Festival and many of the the fantastic local food producers around Ludlow and the Marches turned out to display their produce at the BBC Good Food Show at the NEC last week
Recent publicity highlighting the changes to the funding process for clinical negligence claims may have led people to believe that victims of medical negligence could be denied access to justice.
e-c.h.o Awards
e-c.h.o Awards
Promoting a positive understanding and awareness to the community about disability. The Enrico Charles Humanitarian Organisation (E-C.H.O) Literary and Music Awards have been brought about as a result of my personal experiences as a mother of an extraordinary child born with the neuro-muscular condition SMA [Spinal Muscular Atrophy]
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