Community Ambulance Station
Community Ambulance Station
  • Divison Head Quarters
    The Smithfield
    Lower Galdeford
    SY8 1SA
Ludlow has a dedicated team of paramedics at their own dedicated station.

A Community Ambulance Station has opened within the town’s new Community Hospital in Gravel Hill.

In April 2008 West Midlands Ambulance Service introduced an additional paramedic in a rapid response vehicle for Shropshire based at the town’s fire station. In October 2012, it was replaced by a new resource; a team of advanced paramedics, dedicated to Ludlow and its immediate surrounding area.

The new team was initially based at the town’s fire station, then moved to the Community Hospital on Monday 10th December.

Community Paramedics are advanced paramedics who have received additional training and gained extra skills and treatment procedures that traditionally would have meant taking the patient to A&E. They will increasingly be able to treat patients in the comfort of their own homes, or refer them for appropriate follow-up care without the need to take them to an acute hospital.

The move is part of West Midlands Ambulance Service’s ‘Make Ready’ Project. In addition to new teams of advanced paramedics, a new network of Community Ambulance Stations, such as that at Ludlow Hospital, is opening, served by two round-the-clock ambulance vehicle preparation and maintenance hubs. One hub has already been built from the refurbishment of Donnington ambulance station; another is currently being built at Abella Business Park in Shrewsbury.

The number of Community Ambulance stations is nearly double that of traditionally owned ambulance stations, some of which have been put up for sale; the remainder will be advertised for sale in the New Year.

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