Street Party Insurance for Neighbourhood Watch Events
20th April 2012
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With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee fast approaching, people up and down the country are keeping their fingers crossed for good weather to help them celebrate the day in style. It’s time to pin up the bunting,  and get together with your Neighbours for one of the biggest community events in our history.

So, if you’re thinking of planning something special with your neighbours, have you considered whether you need to have some insurance cover in place?

Most local councils don’t ask you to have insurance in place, but depending on the scale of the event and the liability risks involved, it could be worth looking into. Some council’s will ask you for proof of appropriate insurance, or alternatively sign an indemnity waiver if they want to protect their liability when no insurance is in place.

Is this covered under the Neighbourhood and Home Watch Public Liability insurance scheme?

Unless specifically arranged as a Neighbourhood Watch sanctioned event, the existing liability policy will not extend to cover community street parties. If you are in any doubt, it’s always best to speak to Towergate or your insurance advisor.

What should you look to cover under an event policy?

Once you’ve decided to hold an event, there are a number of factors that will influence the extent of policy cover you require. The main factors to consider are:

- How many people will be attending the event?

- Are there going to be any volunteers performing tasks on the day?

- Will there be any potentially hazardous activities on offer e.g. bouncy castles?

- Is there going to be any money exchanged or handled?

- Do you need to consider cancellation cover for any costs incurred?

A basic events liability policy starts from as little as £100*, but if any of the above questions have got you thinking, you may need to consider additional cover. The events policy available through Towergate Insurance can offer the following key cover options:

- Public Liability (Usually £2 million is sufficient, but higher levels can be provided)

- Employers Liability (including helpers and volunteers not covered under the Public Liability Section)

- All Risks cover for damage to any property

- Money Cover for any cash handled

- Event Cancellation should this be required

It is worth noting that any third party contractors you may hire should provide you with their own proof of insurance.

If you are planning something out of the ordinary, always speak to your broker as the activities may not be included under the standard liability cover. Always read the policy summary to ensure you’re fully covered.

If you would like to discuss you’re event, or obtain a quote ahead of the Jubilee, contact Towergate Insurance on 0844 892 6242 or e-mail


About the Author

Neighbourhood W

Member since: 10th July 2012

Neighbourhood Watch schemes are community initiatives that are supported by the police but not owned or run by them.

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