Singers in Macclesfield

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Singers in Macclesfield
Macclesfield Male Voice Choir
From charitable events to weddings; local residential homes to international concerts; the Macclesfield Male Voice Choir performs at a wide variety of events almost every month. Based at Broken Cross Methodist Church in Macclesfield, the Macclesfield Male Voice Choir currently has over 60 members but is always looking for talented and enthusiastic singers to join the Choir.
David H said
I only joined the choir a few months ago, but have found everyone to be very friendly and keen. I enjoy the rehearsals on a Monday night as I am able to clear my head totally of work thoughts and I always feel uplifted afterwards. We always have a laugh at rehearsals, but that does not detract from the professionalism. But the best part is the sound we make, and being part of it.
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