Marvin Goodger Carpentry
8th August 2011
... Comments

I've got a built in wall to wall, floor to ceiling bookcase in my flat. Which is the perfect bespoke necessity of a novel writer. I've got my own personal library at home. Seriously, I've got a lot of books! If I ever move house, it's going to be hard work shifting all my precious books, but I just couldn't bare to part with them.


Wherever it is I move to in the future, I'll want to have a built in bookcase at the least, if not an entire library of book shelves! And of course wherever I do move to, it will obviously somewhere in Malvern.


If you're like me and you love books, you don't have to search far and wide to find a flat or house with built in bookcases. You can contact one of the Best of Malvern's new listed businesses, Marvin Goodger Carpentry. They specialise in bespoke furniture making. This excellent carpentry service is new to this website, but Marvin Goodger is a qualified cabinetmaker who's been in business for over 20 years. We're happy to have him here at the Best of Malvern, so that you the customer can find out more about their carpentry services.


For more information visit the Marvin Goodger Carpentry web pages here. If you've already received carpentry services from this company, be sure to leave a testimonial.

About the Author

Suzanne K

Member since: 10th July 2012

Suzanne Korb was born in Hawaii, raised in the American state of Utah and has been living and writing fiction and non in Malvern for over 11 years.

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