On Thursday 13th March, from 10.30am-12.30pm, the team at Care UK’s Abney Court, on Abney Hall Park, is opening its doors to the community and their furry friends for a Canine Café.
Attendees will be able to enjoy puppy themed treats and drinks, while being in the company of furry friends. Four-legged guests will be able to enjoy plenty of fuss from residents, the opportunity to play with the other pooches and their very own pup-cakes. There will also be garden games and a raffle, giving everyone a chance to win a host of goodies for their four-legged friends.
The home created the event after being inspired by the ‘paws-itive’ impact animal visits have had on residents’ wellbeing and on hearing how much they missed the company of their own pets from their younger years.
Having dogs in the home not only encourages residents to spend time outdoors, leading to physical benefits, but it also helps improve wellbeing too.
Zoe Smart, Home Manager at Abney Court, said: “We are looking forward to inviting the local community to our Canine Café at Abney Court.
“Studies have shown that introducing dogs into care homes can help lift people’s mood and increase social interaction. The human-animal bond is powerful in promoting self-esteem and wellbeing – which our Canine Café event will be brilliant for.
“Animal therapy has so many wonderful benefits for people, and dogs bring an unfiltered happiness to the home that is wonderful to see. Whether you have a dog or not, come along to our fantastic event – and enjoy an afternoon with furry friends!”
To find out more, contact Customer Relations Manager Erminia Anglesea on 0161 660 5713, or email erminia.anglesea@careuk.com
Abney Court has been designed to deliver the very best standards of care and to enable residents to live active and fulfilled lives. The 80-bed care home provides residential care and specialist care for people living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, as well as short-term respite care. The care home incorporates plenty of space for leisure activities and hobbies and includes its own cinema, hair salon and café.
More information can be found at careuk.com/abney-court
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