How Many Customer Reviews Does Your Business Have?
4th November 2019
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The sad truth is consumers (your potential customers) have never been as cynical and as sceptical as they are today.
With hundreds of adverts and marketing messages battling for attention every hour, consumers simply don’t know whether your marketing message is hype and sales blurb, or whether it’s honest and genuine.
This scepticism comes from experience.
Trickery and misrepresentation are perceived to be widespread and most consumers have bought products and services that haven’t lived up to the claims made for them.
This scepticism is the reason why reviews are one of the most powerful and effective weapons in your marketing arsenal, and why you simply can’t afford to underestimate them.

Think about it for a moment. If you book a hotel for a summer vacation - do you believe the glossy pictures and smiling customers on their website? Or do you head for the most recent Trip Advisor reviews to see what people really think?

If you're thinking about buying a product from a particular seller on Amazon, do you just click the 'buy button', or do you have a quick peak at the latest reviews to see how reliable they are?
People expect you to say wonderful things about your own products and services. They’ve grown accustomed to the hype, the hard sell and the fluff and puff, and they no longer take what they read or hear at face value.  

This may come as a shock to you but…
"People won’t always believe what you say about your own business. They want evidence!"
When your customers say it for you, though, people are much more 'trusting', and they are much more likely to engage with and believe what they hear.
Here’s a big “rule” for any business:
“What others say about you is TEN TIMES more powerful that what you say about yourself”
This is why reviews are such an important part of your marketing.
Local 'thebestof Market Harborough' businesses know that they get a better response – always – when their customers speak for them.

I've been banging on about it for years, but only because the evidence is crystal clear and overwhelming. But in today's business climate, building TRUST is more important than ever before in order to persuade a sale. 
With great reviews you’ll be able to:
•    Position yourself differently from your competitors
•    Significantly boost your credibility
•    Build a stronger connection with your customers

And, if you have a website, it's a fact that the more positive genuine reviews you have will greatly boost your search engine rankings because the likes of GOOGLE will have more confidence in presenting your business to their loyal searching audience.
The fact is that most businesses are rubbish at both collecting and using reviews – so when you do use them properly and have them coming in regularly, you stand out a mile.

And if you want to know how to get more reviews effectively and consistently, then give me (Simon) at thebestof Market Harborough a call. It's much easier than you think.

Have a great week.

Simon - thebestof Market harborough
07944 167840

About the Author

Simon P

Member since: 20th June 2014

Simon Perry - working 'tirelessly'! with thebestof team to drive our 'Buy Local' campaigns and support our very best independent local businesses.

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