Leicestershire Police achieves second highest crime reduction in England and Wales
24th October 2011
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Leicestershire Police has seen a 13.3% reduction in total crime recorded, exceeding the national average (4%) and achieving the second highest crime reduction in England and Wales.

Latest figures published in the quarterly update of the British Crime Survey (BCS), which were issued today (Thursday October 20, 2011), revealed that the number of crimes occurring nationally was down compared to the same quarter last year. The downward crime trend was echoed in Leicestershire with good crime reductions across all crime types.

Domestic burglary was down 20.5%, the equivalent of 1,090 fewer victims of crime, with ‘burglary other than dwelling’ falling by 17.1%, placing the Force second in its group of eight most similar forces. The Force ranked first in its group for reduction in violence against a person, down 15.3%; this was fourth best in England and Wales and equated to 2,681 fewer victims of crime.

Assistant Chief Constable Steph Morgan of Leicestershire Police said: “We’re pleased to have delivered such reductions across the board and to have been placed so high in a performance table of our peers. However, we must not become complacent. We will continue in the coming days, weeks and months to drive down crime across the Force area.

“We need the support of the public and we’d encourage them to work with us, telling us about any concerns or policing issues which arise in their neighbourhoods. We will continue to use our resources effectively, maximising the benefits offered by new mobile technology and advances in police deployment strategies to make our officers more visible in communities.”

BCS interviews showed that 61.5% ‘strongly agree’ or ‘tend to agree’ that the police deal with local concerns, surpassing the national average of 59%. In addition, 55.7% ‘strongly agree’ or ‘tend to agree’ that police and local councils are dealing with issues, higher than the national average of 54%.

About the Author

Neighbourhood W

Member since: 10th July 2012

Neighbourhood Watch schemes are community initiatives that are supported by the police but not owned or run by them.

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