The Seaside Came To Market Harborough Yesterday
6th August 2009
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The seaside came to Harborough and Chris Sewart of the Harborough Improvement Team was in the thick of it all.
"At 7.30 as all the equipment was being put up it looked grim...but the weather came good for us yesterday and families descended onto The Square and had a fantastic day at the 'seaside'.  Not just local families either, some came from Northants, Melton, Lutterworth, Broughton and even Australia - although I think they live here now!
A big thanks to all involved who made things go so smoothly; particularly Mel and Sainsbury's, Marion and Neighbourhood Watch (Mick & Peter) for the popular tombola, and Matthew, Jo, & Maureen at Voluntary Action Leicestershire.  Also thanks to Lawson West who sponsored the event MC who as usual kept the children busy building sandcastles for the three (very)  hard to judge sandcastle competitions, and handed out the sponsor's cotton bags.
As usual the County council's team did an excellent job in installing the gear as did HDC's 2-man team.
Congratulations to Stella at HDC who had a very successful event on the park - I didn't get down to it myself as I had to keep a close watch on the ice cream van! and as the weather got better so did Mr Whippy's trade, and he has made a generous donation to HIT which will go towards the event running costs.
HFM came at 11am and seemed to be around most of the day (was it the ice cream or the rickshaw rides?) and Harborough Mail should have some great photos in today.
Well before these turns into a sobbing Oscar speech - finally thanks to all of you who came and said hello and commented on my shirt!"
Well done Chris and everyone involved in brining so much fun and enjoyment to us all!
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