Why Printed Marketing Shouldn't Be Underestimated...
10th September 2018
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Attention all Business Owners:

Here are some very wise words and essential marketing tips from Hannah Edge of Hedge Illustrates, which I am very pleased to share with local business owners, and in particular those just starting out.



Hannah says:

"Many of my clients already have logos and branding guidelines to follow. Perfect for me to pick up and create some material for them! Printed marketing is all about making your product stand out and be memorable.

Subconsciously customers will build a picture of your company based on the messages being sent out through your marketing. This kind of familiarity often means that a relationship has developed between you and your customer well before either of you have shook hands.

Business cards:

An essential bit of kit when you start up and need to get your details to the right people, business cards need to be concise, easy to read and provide a snap shot of your branding to whoever you are passing it over to. This tiny piece of printed marketing is a foundation upon which to start building your companies image along with other marketing strategies.


These act as mini business cards, a cost effective way of leaving your information on your product or packaging for your clients. This makes it super easy for people to recommend your services to friends and family.


Flyers & leaflets are perfect to give away to local businesses. The idea being for them to act like posters, to be pinned to notice boards, in shop windows and hung up in staff rooms. In this way your message is being spread to the local potential customer base. Consider that you are also presenting a friendly face when dropping off these flyers, in doing so, this builds on your brand image, increasing the chance of people recommending your services.

Branded clothing:

This makes you appear more professional and invested in your company, again sending signals to your customer that they can trust you. Clothing is great for spreading your branding if your business has a membership base or if you often run events, they make good prizes. Even making clothing for your staff can boost moral and make them more approachable to potential clients.

Through out all of these different marketing ideas its critical to make sure that all of the graphics and images are brand consistent. As I said before, your customers will be building up a picture in their minds as to who and what your company can do for them and they will ultimately decide if they prefer your image and story over another company's." 

If you would like to find out more about Hannah and Hedge Illustrates services or you are looking for an illustrator and designer to make your ideas come to life, you can find her website here:


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