Ian and Dominic are unique in the UK Jazz community taking their blend of melodic jazz standards and original compositions to rural communities all over the UK. They use programmable lighting and table lights to create a wonderful intimate atmosphere for the music.
They tell stories of their travels in their Tour Bus - an old converted Yorkshire Ambulance, in an entertaining evening of creative music and enthusiastic joy.
“We are delighted to be performing all over the UK in a variety of venues with many sell out concerts and record sales in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival” says Ian
“We are now also making many return visits to venues up and down the country. Throughout lock down we called ourselves the 'Socially Distanced Duo'! Now we’re getting out and meeting our audience again!” says Dominic.
Tickets for this event can be purchased in advance for £10 and are available from Paul West (07597 197834).
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