First performed at the old Opera Comique theatre on Aldwych in London, Patience is notable for becoming the first show performed at the Savoy Theatre when it moved there in October 1881, thus also becoming the first theatrical production in the world entirely lit by electricity. Their sixth operatic collaboration, Patience is Gilbert and Sullivan’s satire on the aesthetic movement of the 1870s-1880s and pokes fun at fads, superficiality, vanity and hypocrisy.
The aesthetic movement, known as “art for art’s sake”, prioritised beauty over practical concerns which was, by many, considered self-indulgent. The two poets in Patience, Bunthorne and Grosvenor, are frequently likened to Oscar Wilde. The show is one of G&S’s most popular and has a lot of funny dialogue and rousing music.
Thanks to the generous support of an anonymous donor, the production will feature authentic dragoon uniforms for the Guards and exquisite Aesthetic dresses for the ‘lovesick’ maidens, ensuring a truly authentic and visually stunning presentation. It features a talented cast of local performers together with a vibrant orchestra.
Tickets are now on sale priced £20.00 for adults and £5.00 for children and can be purchased at
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