Wedding Venues in Neath

Find the best Wedding Venues in Neath as recommended by local Neath people in thebestof Neath's Wedding Venues directory.
Wedding Venues in Neath
The Orangery Margam Park
The Majestic setting of the Orangery is the perfect venue for a magnificent wedding, corporate functions, business meetings, conference and trade fairs, set within 850 acres of beautiful Park and woodland
Tony D said
I hosted a major centenary ball at the Orangery - it was magnificent and the venue was exceptional.

The flexibility of the venue allowed us to have all sorts of different activities going on and the venue were really helpful in allowing us to stage everything from additional marquees to funfare games to fireworks.
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I hosted a major centenary ball at the Orangery - it was magnificent and the venue was exceptional. The flexibility of the venue allowed us to have all sorts of …
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Express Copier Services Ltd
Watkins Bradfield Chartered Accountants
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Neath Gnolledge
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