First Class B&B Apartments near the A1 and Newark - only £100
20th September 2010
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The Acers in Newark, just off the A1, boasts some fab self-contained apartments - all recently refurbished. I can testify, because I have seen the rooms first hand, that these really are 1st class rooms and ideal if you have to stay in or near Newark during the week. They are perfect for any businesses wanting to place employees in local accommodation and they are currently at a great offer price. The Autumn offer is only £100 Monday - Friday for single occupancy, £160 for a double room. Thebestofnewark is proud to represent The Acers B&B - Meg has put her heart and soul into re-designing these rooms.

Asked to sum up her business Meg told me she liked to think of  The ACERS =

A Adjacent to the A1

C Continental Breakfast (with bacon rolls)

E Executive level apartments

R Reasonable rates (£35 for a single room, £55 for a double)

S Self- contained

Is this an acronym Meg or initialisms? My English is obviously a little rusty!

About the Author

Lou H

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi there, welcome to my blog site. I will try to bring you up to date with whats going on out there in Newark and surrounding areas.

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