Have you seen Newark's BUY LOCAL campaign
26th April 2010
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Here at the Best of Newark we are obviously passionate about buying locally and using local businesses.

Buying local –

  • Helps the environment.
    Reduce your environmental impact by cutting out those unwanted journeys. Why not ditch the car and walk to your local shops?
  • Shopping locally saves money and petrol.
    As petrol prices hit an all time high, save fuel and shop locally.
  • Local shops are vital to the elderly.
    Local businesses are more accessible for everyone; this is especially important for the elderly and vulnerable.
  • Encourages new start-up businesses and enterprise.
  • Do you love the vitality of Newark's marketplace and our independent retailers along Stodman Street, Bargate, Middlegate and Cartergate. Who is your favourite - Jane Young, Trent Galleries, the businesses in The Buttermarket, Strays Bookshop, Chuckles or the Party Shop?
  • Where do you like to eat or go out for the night?

The survey below takes 3 minutes to fill in and show us that you care about your town. Also you could win £500 to spend with your favourite Best of business:


About the Author

Lou H

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi there, welcome to my blog site. I will try to bring you up to date with whats going on out there in Newark and surrounding areas.

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