Meditation and the Power of Positivity
  • Shaw House
    Church Rd
    RG14 2DR
  • Thursday 21st November 7:30pm until 8:45pm
Discover the power of the mind to create our experiences and learn methods to transform our mental state from negative to positive through meditation.
Discover the power of the mind to create our experiences and learn methods to transform our mental state from negative to positive through meditation. Buddhist nun, Gen Nyingpo will explain how Through practicing meditation and positive thinking we can gradually gain the ability to maintain positive wisdom-based attitudes in our daily life and activities. In this way we can develop a fresh approach to solving our problems and create causes for lasting happiness. Discover through the practical timeless wisdom of Buddhist meditation how to apply positive thinking to your own life right now. Everyone is welcome to this event, no experience of meditation required. Thursday 21 Nov | Shaw House | 7.30-8.45pm | £10 To book:
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