Wintertime is here - are you prepared?
30th November 2012
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Summer has, apparently, been and gone (we didn't spot it either) and winter is now upon us.

And that means that you want to be getting yourselves ready for the colder weather.

Here's a few tips to help you get set for the dark months.

Stock Up - Make sure you have some grit, or similar de-icing stuff to hand. The UK has been caught 'unawares' by the weather for the last three years, so make sure you're not caught out this time around. A few pounds investment could make sure you can get to work one day!

And don't forget to get the de-icer for the car. Your credit card won't take the punishment (although an old cassette does work well as a scraper)

Cover Up - Something as simple as a car windscreen cover can make all the difference between making it to work or not. Use an old blanket, or even some newspaper under the wipers, and your windscreen should be frost free.

And personally, don't have the heating on so high that you're sitting around in a t-shirt. Think of the planet... and your bank balance.

Fill Up - Top up your washer bottle with a stronger mixture of water and cleaning solution to prevent it freezing in the washer-bottle. Also a good defence against a frozen windscreen if you have the screenwash undiluted.

It may sound elementary, but keep enough fuel in the car. Running out of petrol is bad enough without it being minus three!

And think on - Driving in the snow and ice can be dangerous. Keep the speed down and be extra vigilant. Even if you have driven in the ice for years and know what you're doing, the person in the car behind might not have. So be careful.

Unlucky enough to break down? Make sure you have Manchett's Rescue and Recovery's number on your phone! 

About the Author

Ian C

Member since: 15th June 2012

I live locally. Loves travel, my springer spaniel 'Lilly' life,real ale,good food,fast bikes/cars. I run thebestofcambridge & newmarket,VELC business networking.

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