Florists in Newry and Mourne

Find the best Florists in Newry and Mourne as recommended by local Newry and Mourne people in thebestof Newry and Mourne's Florists directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Newry and Mourne
Therese Florists
A long established florists in Newry City Centre - Therese Florists has the name and reputation for individual floral arrangements and bespoke bouquets
Kerra S said
I went to Therese Florist for the flowers for my wedding. I didnʼt really know what i wanted but when I went in to the shop and met with Nancy and Bernie they were fantastic and had great ideas. My Own bouquet I knew exactly what I wanted in my head but couldnʼt find a picture anywhere to show Nancy.I didnʼt see my bouquet until 2 hours before the wedding and I couldnʼt have wished for better, it was just perfect, the way I had imagined it in my head. The flowers throughout the wedding from the buttonholes to the church to the table arrangements were just fabulous. They were gorgeous.
Florists in Newry and Mourne
George Preston High-Class Florist
Linda M said
i always go to George Preston Florist when i want to get flowers delivered. The staff are very friendly and helpful. There flowers are always of the highest standard and you can always rely on the flowers being delivered when you want.

Go The Staff of George Preston
Flowers by Marie
For flowers with individual style, creativity and flair
Siobhan M said
I use Flowers By Marie all the time and am always delighted with my purchase. Very reasonably priced and excellent value for money - also good advice and tips on offer if you want to make up your own pots or plant outside.
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PDP Prestige Design / Print
Boyle & Co
Therese Florists
Younique Health & Beauty Salon
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