Can you feel it?
23rd July 2009
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Is it just me or can everyone feel the buzz?  To explain this I've got to talk about energy, and it's almost like an adrenalin rush without the resulting low, this buzz is just a continuous good feeling. I'd like to think it is because I'm just gettiing so in sync with who I am and what I want in life that the good feeling just keeps getting better.  An example of this is, this week I was approached by another internet advertising site, promising that by subscribing, it would push up my google ratings and subsequently generate more business.  I love the theory, however why in practice doesn't it feel good?  Well this time, it did!  The reason for this, the guy selling it to me had an Australian accent and I started to remember a request that I'd put out to the universe about wanting to generate some global business.  So, I just asked where they were based and he explained Australia but he reiterated that it would be advertised in the UK.  I then asked can it be advertised for so many months in Australia and he said of course.  At this point I got my buzz.  So watch this space, Tina Wilkins of Spirit Essence will not only be looking after the whole of your wellbeing bu the globe as a whole!!!!

This is a great example of reading the signals, which will be discussed in my next Tao of Tina evening 'Signs, Signals & Synchronicity' on Wednesday 26th August 09. And if you haven't got your tickets for this month, we have about 10 left.


About the Author

Tina W

Member since: 3rd February 2010

Since 2005 Spirit Essence has provided a variety of services, aimed to bring about wellbeing. This passion has developed from therapies & clairvoyant readings to include inspirational talks, workshops,...

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