Norwich is getting ready for a huge “tweetup”
12th October 2009
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Well, for those in the know it comes from the latest craze in social media. Forget facebook, Twitter is now the place for Norwich businesses to make new contacts.


And as so many Norwich people are meeting up and chatting online, there is a demand for face to face meetings to “put a name to a face”. Scary thought perhaps?


Well, unlike a blind date, this will be a huge gathering of local business people who have met online.


Gone are the days of a shy geek sitting in front of a computer all day. Twitter is now the realm of savvy business people staying ahead of the game.


And what better way to cement those online relationships than by meeting up for a real chat?


The venue for this tweetup is the All About Business Exhibition being held at Carrow Road next Thursday 22nd October.


In a way the whole thing has just naturally evolved.


We decided to run this exhibition at very short notice when the annual organisers cancelled it. We got together with two other business groups to combine our skills and networks and, within the space of two months have organised the exhibition, arranged for one of the region’s premier speakers on social media to speak at the event and for Chloe Smith to open the event at 12 noon.


It made sense to use social media to promote the event and there has been a huge response.


It was in fact seeing local twitter users arranging to meet up at the event that gave us the idea of turning the event into a “tweetup”.


Live twitter updates will be posted throughout the day and networking areas have been set aside near the bar, which will be open for food and drink. Live music will create a relaxed atmosphere to make this exhibition different to the normal business expos. As they say in Norfolk “we do different! We do Tweetups!!”

About the Author

Chris and Sara G

Member since: 10th July 2012

We own thebestofnorwich and are always on the look out for interesting things that are happening in Norwich, great local businesses and your views about anything local.

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