Static caravans and park homes - you may not have thought of this.
14th November 2009
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We have an interesting new client this week - Masterman Homes - who specialise in static caravans and park homes. Now don't just think holiday parks, although it is tempting in these dark November days - once you get talking to Julie of Masterman homes you realise how passionate they are about their product and how many uses there are for park homes and static caravans.

The homes are custom built so, if you have someone with a disability living with you, rather than trying to make structural changes to your house, buy a Masterman home  - they often don't need planning permission and can be made according to your individual needs - whether that means wider doorways, extra or no doors, fittings at different heights - whatever you need, it can be incorporated into the design.

If you have an elderly relative, a Masterman home in your garden or on your land can mean they keep their independence but are close enough for you to look after them - and a huge saving on care home bills.

Self-builders love the comfort of being able to hire a static caravan or mobile park home during building works - they come fully certified for gas and electricity -  and Masterman also work closely with insurance companies and loss adjusters to provide temporary accomodation where people need to stay on their land following an insurance claim (eg if they have animals to look after).

So, next time you see a park home or static caravan, don't just think of holidays, think of Masterman and the many ways they help people solve their accomodation problems.

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Chris and Sara G

Member since: 10th July 2012

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