We've just been "shot"
23rd September 2009
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We've just had a photoshoot presenting a cheque to EACH for £700 following our charity lunch in July which we organised in partnership with our clients, Norwich solicitors Clapham & Collinge.

This lunch was a huge success, not only because the sun shone on our 130 guests as they enjoyed wine, buffet, ice cream and chocolates, all to the sound of live music, but because we were able to raise £700 for EACH, Clapham & Collinge's chosen charity.

Some of this money was raised by B2B Cashflow Solutions with their Scalextric Networking. B2B Cashflow Solutions is definitely a commercial finance company with a difference.

A large chunk of the money raised by them (so we hear on the grapevine) came from one of our Norwich graphic designers who didn't have any change, so dropped a large note into the charity box.

The photographs at that event and the ones taken today were taken by John Keen of Camera Magic, one of our recommended Norwich photographers and I couldn't believe the speed with which we had the photos back.

John has travelled all over the world with his photography and tells people that he "shoots people for a living". Well, I don't really like having my photo taken but we do like being "shot" by you, John.

About the Author

Chris and Sara G

Member since: 10th July 2012

We own thebestofnorwich and are always on the look out for interesting things that are happening in Norwich, great local businesses and your views about anything local.

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