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Local News and Updates
Freshly Cut Norfolk Christmas Trees
  • 28th November 2011
Back to the Garden Farm Shop and Cafe near Holt are stocking Christmas Trees from 27th November to 18th December.... Read more
Bonfire Night in Norwich
  • 5th October 2008
Bonfire Night in Norwichis going to be great this year.... Read more
A creche for dogs
  • 30th June 2009
Dogs can now have a rest at the Royal Norfolk Show in their own creche - but what do you do when you go on holiday? Read more
Glenn Roeder
  • 15th January 2009
I am glad that Roeder has gone, and that the Board have acted relatively quickly and not let the situation drag on to the end of the season.... Read more
This one's for the ladies!
  • 20th November 2008
Ladies - have you just come out of a relationship?If so, Sarah Buckley of the Globe Travel Health Clinic says that you could benefit from the new HPV vaccine.... Read more
A Great Green Idea
  • 31st August 2009
Brilliant idea to stop plastic waste - re-fill your bottles - for business or home - locally or by post with quality eco-friendly products.... Read more
Efficiency and Planning in a Website Design and Development Partnership
  • 17th December 2010
This is a link to an article showing the changing face of web design and development and the new dawn of customer/client project relationships Read more
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