A Spiritual Journey
29th December 2010
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It has been a while since I last posted a Blog entry.  I find writing a lot like painting, I can only do it when the mood takes me.  I really feel for authors and artists working to deadlines!!

Quite a lot has happened since I last put pen to paper, or should I say fingers to keys.  I have continued with my painting, sold most of them and completed several commissions.  I don't believe I will ever feel complacent about my work being sent into the hands of others.  I still find it unbelievable and very humbling.

Now you may be wondering why I've entitled this blog entry, A Spiritual Journey?  Back in November of this year, I attended a psychic supper.  I have to admit I'm more of a believer than a sceptic.  There were three different mediums there that evening and I was read by all of them separately.  The overwhelming theme that came through was that I'd spent many years wondering if I was on the right path and they all said, without doubt, that now I was on the right path.  One of the mediums even described my "studio" in my house!!

I can hardly put into words how much that meant to me.  It brings me so much happiness and peace.  The mediums also said that I have a psychic capability not yet explored 'I could do what they do!'.  I've been told this in the past and only now do I have the opportunity to develop this side of my capabilities.  Watch this space on that one.

And so, back to my art journey, which in itself is a spiritual experience for me and people have told me this is reflected in my artwork.  This gives me such a thrill as I feel I always paint from the heart.  There's much more I'm going to be involved with which will continue to push me outside of my comfort zone.  I have the opportunity to teach about oil painting.  It will take place at a beautiful rural study centre called Gleanings (click here for details, scroll down to Arts & Crafts).  This is exciting and nerve wracking but I'm sure it will also be enjoyable.

There is also something massive (for me!) happening in 2011.  I will be holding my first art exhibition in collaboration with others.  I can't tell you when or where or with whom just yet until the details are finalised but I will definitely share the excitement with you along the way.  If you're on Twitter, you can see developments by following @4_ArtsSake.

It will only be a year in March 2011 since I began this spiritual art journey.  I find it hard sometimes to comprehend all that has happened in such a short space of time.  That said, I'm such a believer in things happen for a reason.  I 'AM' on the right path now, now is my time to follow my heart and the passion which I've had since I was a little girl.

Thank you to everyone who continue to support me along the way.  A special thank you to Valerie Higgins (Twitter @valdary) who was there for me right at the beginning of this journey.  She sadly passed away this month and she will be sorely missed by so many people including me, she was a shining light of inspiration.

Finally, I want to wish you ALL the very best for 2011, I hope all your dreams come true.  Afterall "nothing happens unless first we dream".

Love and hugs



Jude xxxx
Art By Jude

About the Author

Jude R

Member since: 17th May 2012

Joint Director of our company GWR Fasteners Limited based at Weston Farm, Oswestry. Also successful impressionist artist at Art By Jude

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