Footfall unveils their second Oswestry Mural
2nd October 2013
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In 2011 Footfall, a community partnership who aim to ‘add creativity to empty spaces’, expanded this notion and commissioned their first Mural. With the aim being to make an empty wall space enticing, interesting and eye-catching, the first mural has proved to be a big hit with train enthusiasts across the country and has turned what was an uninspiring blank wall into a masterpiece showcasing Oswestry’s heritage. The popularity of this first project has thus led to the creation of Footfall’s second mural; ‘Great Expectations’.

Located on Herbie Roberts Way (off New Street), the masterpiece, painted by [insert name], is now complete and the official unveiling of the mural will take place on Saturday 12th October at 12.00pm. The event, officially marking Foofall’s 4th birthday, will include special guests such as the Mayor, Chris Schofiled and Artist, Jim Heath . Students from The Marches School and Walford and North Shropshire College will also be fully involved, helping with the unveiling of the train and handing out cupcakes to passers-by mark this special occasion.

Steve Howarth, Chairman of the Footfall Committee commented, “All ideas for works like this start off as seeds in our imagination. Luckily for us, because we live in Oswestry, the hub and HQ of the Cambrian Railway between 1864 and 1923, this seed was able to grow and has now become these two fantastic murals, enjoyed by all who visit our town”.

This magnificent mural project came to fruition because of the generous donations and support from local organisations, businesses and associations including:
Oswestry & District Arts Association
Cambrian Railway Trust

Footfall asks people to come along and join them on Saturday 12th October at 12.00pm to mark this special occasion.

For more information on Footfall, please visit

About the Author

John W

Member since: 10th July 2012

A quick introduction - I'm John Waine, Director of TheBestOfOswestry. Having lived in this beautiful area for around 20 years now, I have decided to stay. :)

With kind thanks

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