Supermarket Sweep - END OF ACT ONE
23rd July 2010
... Comments

It would appear that Shropshire Council planners have now considered the four supermarket development proposals before them, for Oswestry, and have revealed that their recommended option is the Central Car Park proposal by J.Ross.

For me,  this proposal has the benefit of being:

  • closest to the town
  • possibility of linked visits
  • new shops
  • cinema

...and the deficit of being:

  • far too large for the stated need,
  • 1970's cheap and cheerful design,
  • ill-considered highways scheme affecting all residents,
  • '-'ve effect on business thru disruption to Car Park during build period
Even if this were to be given approval at the meeting at the Marches on 29th July at 1pm, there will no doubt be appeals from the other proposals.  Also, the land - we are told - is the subject of an agreement which prevents it's development as a Supermarket site until 2016!

So have the planners recommended something they know cannot be carried out?

Or, have they done so, in the knowledge that the "lock-out" can be bought out, one way or another?  Either way, there is millions at stake and more importantly, a town's life, atmosphere and economic development.

Clearly, every reduced inch of supermarket space is a painful loss to the bottom line for the corporations involved.  Yet that same reduced inch, is a gain for the town.

The existing Central Car Park plans are seriously obese IMHO and dis-respectful to the town in the lack of due care given to highways plans and their consequences.

The meeting mentioned above is a PUBLIC MEETING.  Come along and have your say.


About the Author

John W

Member since: 10th July 2012

A quick introduction - I'm John Waine, Director of TheBestOfOswestry. Having lived in this beautiful area for around 20 years now, I have decided to stay. :)

With kind thanks

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