Walkers Are Welcome bid progressing
18th February 2012
... Comments

We continue to work with the Walkers Are Welcome bid team to make this a reality as soon as possible.

With respect to the Visitor Economy, more walkers enjoying the town would be great to see and after all, we have so much to offer!

We are grateful to The Ramblers for sharing their expertise and local knowledge to design/adapt new walks to start in the town centre.

The application is almost ready to be sumbitted so, fingers-crossed, we'll be there before we know it. :)

About the Author

John W

Member since: 10th July 2012

A quick introduction - I'm John Waine, Director of TheBestOfOswestry. Having lived in this beautiful area for around 20 years now, I have decided to stay. :)

With kind thanks

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