Walkers Are Welcome - Oswestry working towards accreditation
4th November 2011
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Call to sign in support of Oswestry Walkers are Welcome

Oswestry people and organisations have unanimously welcomed the move to seek the highly sought after ‘Walkers are Welcome’ status for the town and surrounding area. Among the benefits are improved local walking facilities and a boost to the local economy by attracting more visitors.

A steering group set up at a recent public meeting has drawn up a plan of action to satisfy the required criteria. This includes:

Collecting 500 signatures of support
Seeking the endorsement of Town and Parish Councils
Exploring the most effective forms of marketing
Setting up a timetable of actions culminating in a launch in May and a walking festival in September

Chairman Anne Hendrie is urging as many people as possible to sign up in support of Oswestry and area Walkers are Welcome to achieve the target of 500 signatures.
"In a very short space of time we have already achieved 150 signatures but we need more. Signature sheets are available in the Booka Bookshop, Honeysuckle, Mile End, the Heritage Centre and the Café Radio. Sheets can be taken away, filled in and returned."

"Alternatively people can email their support to oswestrywrw@uwclub.net  They just have to state that they support the idea of Oswestry being a Walkers are Welcome town and area, their postcode, how they would like to be kept in touch (optional) and their name", she said following the meeting.

The Group now intends to become an associate ‘working towards accreditation’ member of the Walkers are Welcome national organisation. This initiative also ties in closely with the anticipated launch of the Oswestry Loop of the Shropshire Way in May 2012.

For further information please contact Peter Dunhill, Shropshire Way Project Officer on 01691 677287 or  peter.dunhill@shropshire.gov.uk

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About the Author

John W

Member since: 10th July 2012

A quick introduction - I'm John Waine, Director of TheBestOfOswestry. Having lived in this beautiful area for around 20 years now, I have decided to stay. :)

With kind thanks

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