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Local News and Updates
Look Perfect this Christmas with Jems Boutique Dress Agency
  • 10th November 2014
This year is all about sleek, sophisticated cocktail and evening dresses, discretely daring...... Read more
Financial Update from Morris Cook Chartered Accountants - November 2014
  • 10th November 2014
This month’s newsletter includes: a reminder of the tax and VAT consequences of having an annual staff party, new rules proposed to cap charges made for administering pension funds and rent-a-room relief. Read more
More Bang for your Buck... Celebrate British Sausage week in Oswestry
  • 5th November 2014
Time to celebrate the Great British Banger - and have some fireworks too. Read more
HOPE HOUSE looking for new volunteers!
  • 28th October 2014
Can you, your friends and family, or your work colleagues spare some free time this Saturday to help collect for Hope House in Oswestry Town Centre? Read more
Reviews for Lanyon Bowdler Solictors in Oswestry
  • 9th October 2014
The following validated reviews Lanyon Bowdler clients for your interest. Read more
Financial Update from Morris Cook Chartered Accountants - October 2014
  • 6th October 2014
This month’s newsletter includes: a reminder of costs that are covered by the landlord’s wear and tear allowance; a note that HMRC are delaying the implementation of penalties for smaller business employers; a reminder of the various small business rates reliefs available; and finally, the announced date for the Autumn Statement 2014. Read more
Death of the weekly Supermarket Shop?
  • 6th October 2014
Our shopping habits have changed dramatically, apparently - hmmmm... Read more
The Big C - raising cancer awareness in Oswestry
  • 1st October 2014
Big up the importance of raising awareness, screening and treatement of Cancer - and have fun at the same time. Read more
Council blind spot over hillfort housing jeopardises county plan, warn campaigners
  • 27th September 2014
Shropshire Council is gambling with public money and elector confidence by keeping housing allocations by Old Oswestry hillfort in its development masterplan, say campaigners.... Read more
Making Waves on The Montgomery Canal
  • 23rd September 2014
The Montgomery Canal is set to host an ambitious range of events next year that its promoters believe will revitalise the canal in Wales. Read more
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