How and Why to build a Blog strategy into your Micro Business Marketing Strategy in Pontypridd and Rhondda.
14th June 2011
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How and Why to build a Blog strategy into your Micro Business Marketing Strategy in Pontypridd and Rhondda.

I quite often find that when I am out and about RCT discussing the 17 marketing tools that we offer at thebestof - that the businesses we meet like what we do, want to be part of it but do not necessarily want to  get involved or do the elements that work.

In this Blog i am ironically focusing on Blogging - Why? well here's a list of the benefits:

• Increased page rank on search engines (increasing your impressions for free)
• Increased Page views (eye fall is the web version of the high streets footfall)
• Content marketing Strategy (you are delivering new content which search engines and interactive consumers enjoy - see it as a soft sell and brand reinforcement)
• Social Media Updating - (another common question answered - what do i put on twitter, Facebook and linked in? - Blogging fills this void too)

As long as you have a saleable product and you have your image and brand portrayed effectively on the web there is no reason why you wouldn’t receive business from an effective Micro Business Blogging Strategy - Yes, I can here you say how do I do this and what do I say:

What to say:

• Brain storm your business - put branches out to every single element of your service include:
• Good customer stories where you have helped them
• Awards
• Products
• Services
• Staff
• New faces - changes - new services
• Community involvement
• Customer testimonials
• remember to use pictures  and links to other websites and you tube where relevant.

Heres how:

• Aim for around 300 words (short, sharp n punchy)
• Use relevant keywords (Your title should have the location of your targeted customers and keywords for the products and services your are blogging)
• Use and repeat these keywords in the natural flow of the article - around 3 to 5 times.
• Use hyperlinks to your website - you tube - other fact full relevant sites
• Aim to add value and have fun.
Points to note:
• An effective micro blogging marketing strategy should involve regular blogging - around one per week minimum for a micro business - more if possible.
• Remember the more you blog the more opportunities you business has to be found online.

See this vid for pointers:

But does it really work?


We work with many businesses and the businesses that are involved in blogging with us have on average 3 times more viewings than there actual features or directory listings - our google analytics give this information every month!

One business has 4 blogs a filled testimonial page and a completed offers page along with their online directory listing. The listing gets around 60 views pcm on average and the combination of blogs reviews and offers add another 300+ views pcm.

If this is not for you or you don’t have time (here's my plug) we can help - well actually here's a business I recommend that can help:

Rebecca Lees Media Services (offers a regular blogging servce to clients throughout the UK)


About the Author

Team Pontypridd

Member since: 6th November 2009

Hi, welcome to my blog site. The aim of this area is to be more informal. With offerings of leisurly blogs actively encouraged.

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