Meet Diane
11th October 2012
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We asked Diane some questions about herself, and working at the hotel, and it provoked some very entertaining stories from the past few years!!! Here are some of the answers we were able to publish!

Diane, what is the best thing about your job?

Meeting different people every day. You meet people staying at the hotel from all walks of life and all parts of the world. No day is ever exactly the same, and it’s interesting.

What is your favourite film?

I love all the Harry Potter films. Sitting down with a big box of chocolates, and a glass of wine and watching the whole set is the perfect Sunday afternoon chill out!

What else do you enjoy doing when you are not at work?

I love a bit of retail therapy and socialising with my friends and family.

If you could go back and visit yourself twenty years ago, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Live life to the full!

What would you say is the best thing on our menu?

The Indian Buffet is lovely, but I can be spotted having a sneaky carvery during the week as well when I have finished for the day.

Why do you love your job?

It keeps me fit and I love the people I work with. We work hard and play hard, and every day I come into work I know I will have a good laugh at some point.

What is the strangest thing anyone has left behind in a room?

I probably can’t mention some things! However, I did have a full set of false teeth left in a room last month.

I can only imagine how they managed for the day!

About the Author

Team Pontypridd

Member since: 6th November 2009

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