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Communities for Work
Communities for Work
  • Porth Plaza
    CF39 9PG
Out of Work? Contact Communities for Work for Training, Support, Help and Advice.

Communities For Work

Communities for Work (CfW) is a Welsh Government partnership Programme, between the Local Authority and Department for Work and Pensions, supported by the European Social Fund to deliver employment support services in all 52 Communities First Clusters in Wales.

Whether you are actively seeking work, looking to return to work after a period of sickness, having trouble accessing training opportunities due to care/childcare commitments or are facing any kind of barrier to employment, Communities for Work could help you. We can offer:

  • Access to opportunities that work around other responsibilities such as childcare and/or caring responsibilities

  • Training opportunities and community events relevant to your interests

  • Employability skills and help to prepare for work

  • Support in job-search and interview techniques

  • Support with IT skills, internet, online job application etc.

  • Identification of suitable employment opportunities

  • Access to a barrier fund that can help access training or employment


For further information please contact Eira Cook C4W Adult Co-ordinator on 01443 425517 or eira.cook@rctcbc.gov.uk

Alternatively, pop into any of our Communities First Offices where a member of the Communities for Work team will be waiting to welcome

Cymunedau am Waith

Mae Cymunedau am Waith (CamWyn Rhaglen Bartneriaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymrurhwng yr Awdurdod Lleol a'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau. Mae'n cael cymorth gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop i ddarparu gwasanaethau cymorth cyflogaeth ym mhob un o'r 52 o glystyrau Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yng Nghymru.

Os ydych wrthi'n chwilio am waithyn ystyried dychwelyd i'r gwaith ar ôl cyfnod o salwchneu yn profi problemau wrth fynd ati i dderbyn hyfforddiant oherwydd gofynion gofal/gofal plant neu os ydych yn profi unrhyw rwystrau eraillmae modd i Cymunedau am Waith eich helpu chi. Mae modd i ni gynnig y canlynol:

  • Mynediad at gyfleoedd sydd yn hyblyg i gyfrifoldebau eraill gan gynnwys gofal plant neu gyfrifoldebau gofal

  • Cyfleoedd hyfforddiant ac achlysuron cymunedol sy'n berthnasol i'ch diddordebau.

  • Sgiliau Cyflogadwyedd ac achlysuron cymunedol sydd o ddiddordeb i chi.

  • Cymorth o ran technegau chwilio am swydd a chyfweldcyngor ar ddatgelu.

  • Cymorth gyda sgiliau TGCh, y rhyngrwydgwneud cais am swydd ar-lein ac ati.

  • Gwybodaeth am gyfleoedd gwaith addas.

  • Mynediad at gronfa sydd yn eich caniatau i dderbyn hyfforddiant neu gyflogaeth.


gael rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch ag Eira Cook, Cydlynydd CamW ar gyfer Oedoliondrwy ffonio 01443744308 neu drwy e-bostio  eira.cook@rctcbc.gov.uk  

Fel arallgalwch heibio i unrhyw un o'n swyddfeydd Cymunedau yn Gyntaf ble y bydd aelod o'r garfan Cymunedau am Waith yn aros i'ch croesawu.

e you.


Social Interaction