Hilsea Jubilee Splashpool
Hilsea Jubilee Splashpool
  • Portsbridge Roundabout
    PO6 2rp
Great Splash pool for kids at Hilsea

A free admission open access children's splashpool in Hilsea. The innovative Hilsea splashpool deisgn is based on the successful Southsea splashpool which has proved very popular with young children aged eight and under.

Hilsea splashpool features two shallow water pools no deeper than five inches, play features, rubber safety surfacing, toilets and baby change facilities, seats and picnic tables.

Opening Times

Summer Opening(23 May 2016 - 6 Sept 2016)
Monday 11:00 18:00
Tuesday 11:00 18:00
Wednesday 11:00 18:00
Thursday 11:00 18:00
Friday 11:00 18:00
Saturday 11:00 18:00
Sunday 11:00 18:00
Bank Holiday 11:00 18:00

* Weather permitting, splashpool opens daily 11am - 6pm from end May to the end of the school summer holidays.

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