Your Events...
There are a variety of educational and leisure events in Portsmouth to enjoy and help support your local community. A local farmers market through to a family sing along is just a small offering of what’s on in Portsmouth. All the information you will ever need for upcoming events can be found right here.
Comedy Events
Ed Byrne: Tragedy Plus Time
  • Friday 22nd November 7:30pm until 9:30pm
TV favourite Ed Byrne brings his Best Reviewed Show at the 2023 Edinburgh Festival, British Comedy Guide's No 1 Comedy show of 2023, and his most personal show to date to the Isle of Wight! View event
Mark Thomas: Gaffa Tapes
  • Sunday 8th December 7:00pm until 10:00pm
Following a recent step towards theatre in his last few shows, Mark Thomas is back to his finest stand-up form and anti-Tory sentiment in Gaffa Tapes as takes his tour to Portsmouth! View event