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Experiences of Hong Kong
Experiences of Hong Kong
Read about Michelle's experiences of being a visitor in Hong Kong. This is an excerpt of Michelle's monthly newsletter available free from her website -
Kind Comments Go a Long Way
Kind Comments Go a Long Way
Michelle shares an email she received from a client who had managed to free herself from past trauma & an abusive relationship after 2 hours of EFT. Hard to believe, I know. Read her clients' story. Freedom CAN be at your fingertips now if you choose!
Defining Moments in Life
Defining Moments in Life
Defining moments in life usually come as a big surprise (or shock). They happen during times of crisis. We don’t usually see them for what they are. Until afterward, when we look back & understand their importance. Either way they define who we truly are.
Inside information
Inside information
It seems you can discover a lot about yourself, your life and your relationships from your hands! Read more about Michelle's recent experience of a Professional Hand Analysis session which took place during her recent trip to Zuerich, Switzerland....
Many of us have a critical inner voice that stops us. We limit ourselves by listening to inner doubts & fears. Making positive changes doesn’t have to be difficult. Are you ready to release & replace those negative messages with something more supportive?
Following your Bliss
Following your Bliss
Stepping into new opportunities requires a move away from your comfort zone. Imagine if your success were guaranteed How would your life be different? What would you let go of? Read more to find out EFT, NLP and Hypnotherapy can help you..
A positive reframe for life
A positive reframe for life
Here's a little story to help you smile when things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar.....the golf balls and the beer!
Does fear stop you from trying something new? Do you stop yourself from attending training; changing a job that bores you; starting a business that you are passionate about or meeting someone new - because you lack confidence? Find out more...
Putting the World Together
Putting the World Together
For the first blog of 2010 Michelle shares an interesting story. It is about a mother and child taken from a book by Robert Burney. As so often is the case, the child shares something delightful and incredibly profound that we can all learn from perhaps.
Releasing the Past
Releasing the Past
Negative experiences & traumas that occur in our early lives often create limitations & block our success. These old events affect our decisions, behaviours & beliefs either consciously or subconsciously. Discover how you can free yourself from them now...
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