Releasing the Past
21st December 2009
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"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom." ~Anais Nin

When I work with clients, I regularly see negative childhood experiences and traumas that have occurred in early life, still having an effect. Often these events affect decisions, behaviours, beliefs and create fears.

Courage and Payoff

I recall a client in New Zealand, who came to see me when I lived and ran my clinic there. She had been suffering for over 60 years from a devastating event that happened in her childhood. Not only had the event traumatized her at the time, but it had continued to affect her throughout her life. It was only on her 65th birthday, that she got so sick of being affected by it, that she gathered up the courage to talk to someone and ultimately free herself.

Working in this way with people who have made the decision to change, is such a humbling experience. In this example, I was the first person she told in 60 years. The courage that this takes is huge, and the payoff even greater. I am happy to share that as a result of the positive choices this client made, she went from being a recluse to living a happy life, sleeping through the night without nightmares, with an increased feeling of confidence and well-being.

Negative Limitations to Success

These negative events or trauma(s) from our past, limit who we can be as well as who we truly are. They prevent us from having success and achieving our full potential. Some of us are unaware that we are playing old, outdated or (even inherited) scripts in our minds and lives. Loved ones close to us might be able to see this, and may also be able to recognize where (or from whom) they came from.

When we become aware that we are re-living or replaying our past - often there is fear of change. Many of us are unsure of what the next step is once we become aware of these limitations. Where should we go to get help or what do we do to change? Luckily there are many options available now. Whatever form of therapy/help you choose, you need to feel comfortable with the practitioner who you will be working with. Talk to them first by phone or email to get a sense of what and who they are like.

It is possible to work with these traumas and events in a safe and gentle way using many methods - the ones I found personally helpful are Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). These tools helped me to release many old traumas and limitations. The freedom I have now since letting go is indescribable. I certainly wouldn't be writing this blog now ~ let alone have travelled and worked in and around Australia, China, Hong Kong and Canada!

Fear of Judgment

Often clients are frightened and concerned thinking that by sharing these negative experiences they will be judged by the practitioner/therapist. This is far from the truth. An ethical practitioner is there to work with the client to help them let go of the event, without judgment as to what or why it happened. The ultimate focus of a consultation is inner resolution and harmony.

Subconscious Reactions

When I was younger, I actually believed that by not thinking about the traumatic experiences I had had, I was free from them. Not so. I still carried the shock and the trauma within me, maybe not consciously, but subconsciously. Just because I hadn't thought of those traumas for years - didn't mean they weren't still impacting on my life, my reactions and attitudes.

The Choice of Freedom

Many of us might not have had a choice about what happened to us as children, (like my client), however as adults we are free to choose again.

What would you choose given the choice? Trapped and limited by the old events or a new path of freedom?

Are you ready to create a different, more positive life and future for yourself now?

"Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways
that lead to new beginnings." ~ Ralph Blum

About the Author

Michelle H

Member since: 27th November 2009

Modern gypsy, Michelle travels the world teaching her love of the Emotional Freedom Techniques, Hypnosis & Neurolinguistic Programming. She is an enthusiastic & energetic keynote speaker &...

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