Meeting Rooms in Richmond

Find the best Meeting Rooms in Richmond as recommended by local Richmond people in thebestof Richmond's Meeting Rooms directory.
Meeting Rooms in Richmond
Richmond Gate Hotel
Your business meetings just got classy! Treat your delegates to top quality hospitality, a range of catering options and stunningly beautiful surroundings that will really give your business a boost.With five separate meeting and function rooms available for hire, the Richmond Gate Hotel is perfect for that important meeting, training, as an interview location or even for a small conference.
Located in Petersham Road, Richmond, Bingham Hotel is a unique riverside venue for corporate and private entertaining, providing stylish meeting rooms for a range of events including conferences, board meetings, away-days, private dinners, team-building events launches and more.
Nick T said
The Bingham has hosted several local business networking events for The Best of Richmond and they're always our most popular events. Everyone want the 'Bingham experience', it's got that something special!

The venue is elegantly decorated and the garden rooms are an unbeatable summer venue. The service is friendly and professional and if you've ever had the pleasure of dining there, you'll agree they clearly deserve their Michelin star.
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