Are there more CO2-efficient cars now in Richmond?
21st September 2009
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Recently released Council figures claim that more residents in the Borough of Richmond are driving lower CO2 emission cars.

Is this true? Comment below and let me know!

Apparently, residents purchasing the parking tariffs and new Richmond Card discount parking account for lower CO2 car bands has increased over the two years.

Since introducing pricing bands according to CO2 emissions, it was hoped that more drivers would be encouraged to buy more environmentally friendly cars.

Whilst I'm sure this has been a factor, I also wonder if other schemes like the Government's Scrappage incentives have made a combine difference (which, might I add, has apparently drained Government resources for the scheme, it's been so successful!)

For more information on the new RichmondCard or to join the pay by phone scheme to take advantage of parking discounts, check out

Meanwhile, get in touch with us here at TheBestOf Richmond and let me know if you've upgraded to a lower CO2 car, and if any of these financial-incentive schemes influenced your purchase-power.

Regards, Silas Van Der Bas

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