Beat the recession with Richmond Council
15th December 2009
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In September Richmond Borough Council held a series of seminars providing advice and support to professionals in the Borough whose careers or businesses have been affected by the recession. These were all fully booked, and back by popular demand, there will be further seminars in January 2010.

The exec seminars include advice from the Financial Services Authority, headhunters, business start-up consultants and career advisors. All walks of professional life are being affected by the Big R, and senior execs are no less exempt from financial pressures and commitment. These seminars hope to assist with small businesses, rent arrears, fuel poverty and improving employability with clear goals and attainable targets. There will also be help with CV writing, networking skills and interview preparation.

The seminars are free and are limited to 30 places on a first come, first served basis and will take place on 13, 20 and 27 January. Those taking part are expected to commit to attend all three of the daytime sessions. If demand exceeds supply, names will be added to a waiting list.

To find out more, email your name, address, phone number, profession and CV to

The council’s website has a host of information on surviving redundancy and getting through the recession.

Silas Van Der Bas

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Silas Van Der Bas is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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