Client Cycle
8th March 2011
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Every company, large or small, experiences the client cycle. They gain new clients, they have existing clients, and they also lose clients. They can lose them for various reasons and they need to replace them just to maintain their current business levels.

Every business has two marketplaces where they can gain new business:

These are as follows: known market and unknown market.

Enquiries from the known market could be from:

  • Referrals
  • Advertising/Marketing
  • Sales Team

These are potential customers that already know of your business through various activities such as those above.

Unknown market enquiries could come from the following:

  • New
  • Comparison
  • Transient

Any business that is not attracting new clients from the above sources is in danger of being another statistic during these hard recession hit times.


About the Author

Gary M

Member since: 13th January 2011

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