Generate Revenue and Electricity
3rd August 2010
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Dear businesses in the borough of Richmond,


Want the opportunity to generate your own electricity and profit from the revenue?

This month we look at the potential benefits of installing Feed-In Tariff (FIT) equipment to your business property. Under this scheme energy suppliers make regular payments to business and householders who generate their own electricity from FIT eligible equipment.


What technologies are eligible for the tariffs?

There are a range of technologies available that are eligible for FIT’s. The
most likely option for Richmond is:


Solar electric photovoltaics (PV)

This technology could bring an added benefit in the future as we have all seen
our electricity bills rise and rise in recent years. In fact, by 2020 the energy
regulator predicts that energy prices could rise by 60% and many think it could
be even worse. The Feed-In Tariffs means electricity price rises will have far
less impact on you.


For more information regarding any of these installations, please refer to local Renewable Energy specialists Richmond Renewables.


Businesses looking for financial support can use a new funding search tool on the Richmond Council website.


The Council is providing this comprehensive new ‘funding sources’ tool for finding grants and other support to local shops and firms.


The Rippleffect:

The Rippleffect is a free water efficiency initiative that can benefit businesses of all sizes..

So, whether your business is an office, hotel or restaurant, with washrooms and kitchen facilities, or a factory with processing lines, the Rippleffect can help you reduce water use and save money


If your business is interested in taking advantage of the FITs offer, and the installation of renewable energy technologies, why not contact local renewable energy specialists Richmond Renewables.


Renewable Energy - Richmond upon Thames

About the Author

Nick T

Member since: 10th July 2012

I launched The Best of Richmond in 2005 and am passionate about supporting all things local. In particular, we work hard to showcase the best local businesses who give the borough its character and make...

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