Local business awarded green merits
1st December 2009
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I seem to be on a bit of an environmental bent this week, but wanted to tell you about some great news for seven local businesses.

Following efforts and advice in the Borough the local companies have been presented with merit awards, showing their commitment to cutting the amount of energy used and waste created.

The seven proactive businesses - some of them our very own Best Of Members - have been named as Monty’s Nursery, Belmont Bakery, Added Value, Shanghai Village, Tide Tables, The Software Connection Ltd and the Ambassador Theatre Group.

They all took part in a free review which assessed the extent of their impact on the environment, and followed subsequent recommendations.

If you want to raise the profile of your business at the same time as reducing it's effects on the environment, take a look at the Council's review scheme and Go Green.

Silas Van Der Bas

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Silas Van Der Bas is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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