Richmond's Roads Get Safer
7th September 2009
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Richmond Council have released figures that show a dramatic reduction in accidents on our Borough's roads recently.

Apparently last year the number of people involved in road accidents dropped 53% to 500, with the number of children killed or seriously injured reduced by 72% in the last 10 years.

The Council have praised driver awareness, and the road safety projects taking place within local schools and in designing safer roads.

We all play a part in making our roads safer, whether we're drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, horseriders, skateboarders, hedge cutters.. whatever! Sadly the days of children playing on every street corner are gone, and if you tried what my Dad used to do when-he-were-a-lad (holing onto the back of a lorry to make cycling uphill easier), then it wouldn't be surprising to find yourself as a statistic.

Removing my rose tinted spectacles has in fact made it easier to see when I'm driving, and I'm under no illusion that at times we all drive too fast (or indeed sometimes too slow), brake too late, have the stereo too loud, don't look in the mirror enough... In fact if you deny these things and think you're the perfect driver, then you may be more likely to have an accident - self awareness comes hand in hand with awareness of what other people might do as well.

Know your limitations - and that of your vehicle - don't take risks, don't let yourself be distracted.

A very dear friend of mine was killed in a senseless accident years ago, a life needlessly cut short at the age of 22. She was such a non-conformist she'd have hated becoming a statistic. It still took 2 accidents of my own to wake me up to my own limitations however, but there are plenty of people who wont get that second - or third - chance.

Well done Richmond, keep it up. Lets hope next year's figures are even lower eh.


Regards, Silas Van Der Bas

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