Stamping out abuse of adults
16th June 2010
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A new hotline is to be launched on 15th June 2010, where Richmond residents can call in to report instances of suspected adult abuse.

In a bold move, the new Richmond Council have created the hotline so that carers and family members can call the Safeguarding Adults Team on 020 8487 5444.

Apparently the number of referrals being made to the Council has risen in recent months, resulting in the first hotline being dedicated solely to the abuse of vulnerable adults.

Many people suffer in silence, perhaps because they feel foolish, blame themselves, fear reprisals or simply don't know who they can approach - hopefully this new phone number will bridge that gap and make help more accessible to those that need it.

The hotline will operate between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours, people can call the Adult Emergency Duty Team on 0208 744 2442.

Silas Van Der Bas

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Silas Van Der Bas is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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