Take a pledge and make a difference!
18th July 2008
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richcouncil.jpg picture by barongimpy

Local residents are being urged to make a pledge to make their lifestyle more environmentally-friendly as part of a new initiative by Richmond Council. As mentioned in previous blog posts the Council has developed a series of pledges across a number of areas including reducing your carbon footprint, greener travel, reducing waste and reusing and recycling more, as well as using less water.

Residents are urged to select one or more pledges that interest them. Some pledges are quick and easy, while others need a little more effort. There are many options such as switching to energy-saving light bulbs, insulating your home, joining a car club, cycling, composting organic waste, using reusable nappies or buying a water butt.

Once signed-up, residents will be offered one of a range of incentives to help them take action. These include free energy saving light bulbs, £50 cash-back if reusable nappies are purchased and used, and discounted insulation, compost bins and water butts.

Cllr Martin Elengorn, Cabinet Member for Environment on Richmond Council, said:

"Sustainability is at the heart of everything this Council does and we want to encourage everyone to get involved in becoming more environmentally-friendly.

"I strongly urge residents to make a pledge and do their bit to make our borough a greener place to live and work."

To make a pledge, or for further information visit www.richmond.gov.uk/gogreen.

About the Author

Stuart J

Member since: 19th June 2012

Web Editor/Accounts Manager for thebestofrichmond. Football/Boxing/Mixed Martial Arts enthusiast in spare time.

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