The noose tightens on Council Tax cheats
3rd November 2009
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For single adults it's a huge boost to the coffers to be able to claim the 25% discount available on their Council Tax.

However, a small minority of residents in the London Borough of Richmond are suspected of claiming this discount fraudulently, whilst sharing a house with other adults.

Richmond Council are apparently embarking on a record-combing exercise to establish just who these fraudsters are. They say that in other boroughs, research has revealed that 1 in 17 claims for the single person discount are not genuine, which has a huge negative impact on other taxpayers within the area.

Tut tut - wish I could save hundreds of pounds a year on my Council Tax. Legitimately of course.

Silas Van Der Bas

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Silas Van Der Bas is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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